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Guest Speaker: Sandra Ulrich founder of Adelaide Bee Sanctuary

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Sandra Ulrich is the founder of Adelaide Bee Sanctuary. Sandra is an evangelist – a bee-vangelist if you like – who has made it a life goal to change people’s opinions on bees. Not only shouldn’t we fear bees, we should love them, Ullrich says, embrace them as not only plant pollinators and honey producers but as complex creatures with real lessons to impart to humanity.

The German-born, South Africa-raised apiarist moved to Australia as a child in the early 1980s and says her love of insects and other small creatures has been with her for as long as she can remember.

Ullrich is the founder of Adelaide Bee Sanctuary, a collective that relocates homeless swarms from backyards to hives across the city and Hills. She has installed hives at Government House, Archbishop House, Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide Showground and other high-profile locations, as well as in orchards, community gardens and back yards.

Sandra will talk about her work with Councils and how to use their Strategic plans to encourage involvement.

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