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Resource List

This page is constantly being edited and updated and we always welcome any suggestions or feedback around it’s contents.

Websites – UK based world leading bee-centred beekeeping organisation – Victorian based beekeepr Simon Mulvany – Save The Bees Australia – Blue Mountains NSW based natural beekeeper Tim Malfoy with Warre focus – Bega Valley NSW natural beekeeper Adrian Iodice with Kenyan focus lots of links – UK based company who claims to have the largest selection of beekeeping books for sale in the English speaking world – Melbourne based beekeepers with links to lots of information– permaculture based organisation based in NSW emphasis on Warre, blog & videos – San Franciso based urban natural beekeeper Hilary Kearney’s site – Girl Next Door’s beekeeping blog – Michael Bush’s website perhaps most popular treatment-free beekeeper in the US – Phil Chandler’s website UK beekeeper Kenyan focused lots of info and links – the most active online beekeeping community US focus – dynamic US beekeeper Sam Comfort focus on home made horizontal top bar hives – general interesting info on bees – a wealth of conventional information on bees – Steven Murphy (guest speaker) Victorian beekeeper supplier of small cell foundation – Jacqueline Freeman’s (guest speaker) US based website – Jason Bruns’ (guest speaker) US based blog site – Solomon Parker’s (guest speaker) US based treatment free beekeeping website – regulations, registration and documents“Hobby Beekeeping” & “Safe Beekeeping Practices” – the website for Australian Honeybee Industry Council

A PDF with a list of scientific papers, mostly with abstracts, relating to near-natural beekeeping

Bee-Centred Beekeeping Books
The Bee-firendly Beekeeper: A Sustainable Approach, David Heaf (UK)
The Practical Beekeeper: Beekeeping Naturally, Michael Bush (US)
The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Beekeeping, Dean Stiglitz & Laurie Herboldsheimer (US)
Song Of Increase, Jacqueline Freeman, (US)
Australian Bee-Centred Beekeeping, Daniel BeeShepherd (Aus) – not yet in print

Conventional Beekeeping Books
The Australian Beekeeping Manual, Robert Owen
Australian Beekeepers Guide, Russell Goodman, Peter Kaczynski – downloadable free pdf (Aus)
Collin’s Beekeeper’s Bible: Bees, Honey, Recipes & Other Home Uses (UK)
Beekeeping For Dummies, David Wiscombe & Howland Blackiston (UK)

General Interest Books About Bees
The Buzz About Bees : Biology of a Superorganism, Jurgen Tautz
Meditation and the Art of Beekeeping: The Way To Bee, Mark Magill
Honeybee Democracy, Thomas D Seeley
Song Of Increase: Listening To The Wisdom Of Honeybees For Kinder Beekeeping And A Better World, Jacqueline Freeman
At The Hive Entrance, H Storch

Natural Bee Husbandry – quarterly journal published by Natural Beekeeping Trust (caution: have had major difficulties after payment sent getting hold of the printed versions of this publication)
The Australian Beekeeper – “Australias National Beekeeping Journal”
Australian Bee Journal – monthly magazine of the Victorian Apiarists Association
The Beekeepers Quarterly – UK magazine that I haven’t looked at but comes highly recommended

Michael Bush generally but is a series of five hour long videos shot at a bee conference in the United States quite advanced
The Fat Bee Man conventional beekeeping methods but very practical and DIY
Envirotube – blue banded bees – making homes for blue banded bees (not about honeybees but essential for growing nightshades)

Documentaries (mostly pretty depressing and money/honey focused… let’s make an inspirational one!)
Queen Of The Sun
Vanishing Of The Bees

National Geographic Documentary PBS Natural Beekeeping (have not watched)
More Than Honey
Honey Bee Blues

Local Apirary Groups

Permapiculture – active facebook group (Perm-apiculture – the Natural Beekeeping Group)
Special interest group within Permaculture Victoria
Meet in person third Monday of each month 6.45-9pm @ Kew Library, entry free

Natural Beekeeping Trust
Offering courses seminars and talks but based in England.

Conventional Apiary Groups

Victoria Apiarists Association (VAA)
Conventional/commercial focused run by Robert McDonald of REMcDonalds
Meet in first Wednesday of the month in Bendigo and last Thursday of the month in Balwyn.
Also publish Australian Bee Journal (ABJ) monthly

British Beekeepers Association (BBKA)
Conventional/commercial group running since 1874 based in England.

“J” Beekeeping School, 35 Duncans Lane, Diggers Rest
Conventional club held at Slovanian Australian social club meets 2nd Thursday of each month 7-10pm and has open days

Woodend Bee Society – active facebook group (Woodend Bee-friendly Society)
Working group of Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group Meet in person third Sunday of every month 3 – 4.30pm on @ Woodend Neighbourhood House $5 entry. Actively discouraging of Bee-Centred Beekeeping practices. Not truly bee-friendly and not recommended.

Equipment Suppliers

Whirrake Woodware, 38 Drive In Crt, Maryborough, 0418 535300
Specialise in assembled, wax dipped and painted boxes. Make their own stuff from scratch.
email:  Website:

McDonald Honey
, Sawmill Road, McKenzie Hill, Castlemaine
Large honey producer and migratory pollinator, also onsells commercial style bee equipment

Bec’s Beehive, 45 Trumpington Grove, Kallista
Retail beekeeping equipment, mentoring and beekeeping workshops. Deal directly with Bec who is very helpful,  friendly and happy to send purchases by post.

Bee Sustainable, 500 Lygon Street, Brunswick East
High end retail bee equipment & book shop – also cheesemaking, baking & food preserving

Redpath Beekeeping Supplies, 193 Como Parade East, Parkdale
Beekeeping supplies mainly to the professionals

Bob’s Beekeeping Supplies, 79 Zig Zag Road, Eltham
Suppliers to hobbyists and professionals